DSA San Diego Passes Anti-Zionist Resolution

The word "Zionism" in a dripping font with a red "no" sign overtop.

We are pleased to announce that, at our chapter-wide General Assembly in April, members of our chapter overwhelmingly voted in support of a resolution that reinforces DSA San Diego as an anti-Zionist organization both in principle and in practice. The adopted resolution explicitly defines anti-Zionist expectations for both our membership and endorsed candidates. As a result of this resolution, we expect our members to commit to anti-Zionist practices and policies,… Read More

We can do better than SDG&E

SDG&E: $10.8 million total CEO compensation in 2020; $936 million PROFITS in 2023

DSA San Diego has endorsed Power San Diego, a ballot measure to move the City of San Diego to its own municipal electric utility. https://youtu.be/Rzd3CNcapXk The measure is currently gathering signatures to qualify for the November 2024 ballot. DSA members are helping gather signatures, including at some of the events you can find on the Power San Diego Events Calendar. The signature gathering has a deadline of May 7th, so sign… Read More

Standing in Solidarity with UPS Teamsters

Every Friday morning for four months, rank-and-file UPS Teamsters have been meeting. They talk about their struggles and why their demands are necessary. Their struggle is ours. We as workers must stand with them in their fight for a better wages, better conditions, and a better life. If their demands aren't met, they're ready to strike on August 1, and ALL workers will stand with them. This is what democracy… Read More

Our statement on the election

The 2020 election is nearly over. We don’t yet know what the outcome will be in terms of which candidates will win or lose. Nor do we know if Donald Trump will accept a likely defeat or if there will be political violence if he loses. We do know that the election is supposed to mark a conclusion. An unalterable decision has been made which the American people must accept… Read More

Statement in Solidarity with the Protests in India

The San Diego chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America condemns the discriminatory and fascist turn of the Indian government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We stand in solidarity with the Muslim community in India, and the working and oppressed people struggling against this fascist regime. The Hindu nationalist BJP government plans to implement a National Registry of Citizens (NRC) in the country and has prepared for that with… Read More

Urgent Call For Action Against A U.S. War On Iran

Our chapter voted to endorse national DSA's statement on Iran: Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) emphatically opposes a U.S. war with Iran. In light of the U.S.’s act of war against Iran, putting the two nations close to the brink of war, DSA calls on all members and chapters to mobilize against yet another U.S. war in the Middle East. On January 2, 2020, the U.S. military assassinated, on Iraqi… Read More

Rojava Solidarity Statement

The Democratic Autonomous Administration of North and East Syria, better known as “Rojava,” is a self-proclaimed Internationalist Commune representing the liberation movement of both women and workers in the region. We pledge our international solidarity to the people of Rojava against Erdogan and reactionary nationalism in their struggle for autonomy and self-determination! (DAWG) The Direct Action Working Group of the Democratic Socialists of America, San Diego, wholeheartedly condemns the imperialist… Read More

DSA San Diego Immigration Working Group Statement Urging Senator Sanders to Adopt Human-Rights Focused Immigration Policy and Uplift Border Community Voices

DSA San Diego Immigration Working Group Statement Urging Senator Sanders to Adopt Human-Rights Focused Immigration Policy and Uplift Border Community Voices We, the Immigration Working Group of the San Diego chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), are dismayed by the DSA National-endorsed Presidential candidate, Senator Bernie Sanders, and his continued capitulation to the right-wing of American politics with  backwards statements on immigration and immigration policy. First, Bernie Sanders… Read More

Supporting Migrants and Refugees

At our November 18 chapter meeting, DSA San Diego endorsed our participation in a robust coalition of San Diego grassroots organizations who are united in our solidarity with members of the Central American Exodus. (Text of the original resolution here.) Since inception, the San Diego Coalition for Migrant and Refugee Solidarity has organized a high-profile international day of action and strengthened the ongoing humanitarian relief effort in Tijuana. Thousands of… Read More

Statement from Direct Action Working Group on Timken Action

On October 15, 2018, the Direct Action Working Group (DAWG) of the San Diego DSA, a local chapter of Democratic Socialists of America, conducted an action of protest at the Timken Museum of Art in solidarity with Portland DSA and the Holgate Manor Tenant Union. We conducted the action to bring the public’s attention and scrutiny to the damage Fred Kleinbub, treasurer of the Timken Museum, has wrought at Holgate… Read More