The purpose of this digest is to bring all of our comrades up to speed on the work here in Housing Justice, especially those who have been away for a while, or those who wish to get involved!

If you wish to get involved, drop a message in our Slack channel #wg-met-housing-justice or message our current Housing Justice Working Group chairs. You can attend our weekly tenant organizing check-ins at 6:00 PM on Mondays – see the slack for details. We’ll train you!

Earlier this year, the Housing Justice working group was revived with an orientation towards the “base building” strategy, according to the ratified project proposal here. As the project progresses, we try to always keep a handful of goals in mind:

  1. Engage people who are not familiar with socialist politics
  2. Develop relationships with working class communities 
  3. Join working class communities in their struggles
  4. Foster the formation of organized bodies of tenants across different buildings and neighborhoods, under different landlords, with the means of leveraging their collective power for, e.g. rent negotiations, striking, occupations
  5. Recognize where the San Diego Tenants Union is lacking and fill that gap
  6. Improve our own organizing skills
  7. Ensure that the project can persist even if our relationships with working partners were to change. 

To those ends, we have undertaken some major projects in order to pursue an investigation of the material conditions on the ground with regards to rented housing, meet working class communities where they’re at, and develop our skills as organizers. The intention is to organize the unorganized and to create independent working class institutions capable of fighting the capitalists. The ultimate goal is, of course, socialism.  

We consider the work here in Housing Justice to be critical to our goals as socialists because revolution can only be achieved through centering the working class as agents of their own liberation. Thus, organizing the working class is paramount. However, successfully organizing the working class requires socialists to be equipped with the right politics, and the right politics can only really be arrived at through struggling among the working class and actually learning about the concrete conditions in which the working class exists. Tenant organizing provides us one major avenue of accomplishing all of this.    

In September, we began developing a “Eviction Defense Network,” a project initially proposed by the Cancel the Rent Coalition (CRC). We established the Tenant Solidarity Network, an ongoing project independent of CRC, informed by the base building orientation of the working group. Organizing Tenant Solidarity Network has challenged our organizers as we’ve developed numerous connections with vibrant working class communities. We now struggle alongside tenants who are facing evictions, and foment the organization of tenants into institutions capable of defending themselves against the landlord class. Generally, our work in the Tenant Solidarity Network can be broken down into a few key components:

Anyways, If you wish to get involved, drop a message in our Slack channel #wg-met-housing-justice or message our current Housing Justice Working Group chairs. You can attend our weekly tenant organizing check-ins at 6:00 PM on Mondays – see the slack for details.  Again, we’ll train you! Don’t let lack of confidence stop you!