Our members are building progressive movements for social change in San Diego while establishing an openly democratic socialist presence in our communities and politics.

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Energy Democracy Campaign Update

In May, our Energy Democracy campaign was designated a priority campaign by the chapter. The timing couldn’t be better. Energy Democracy is a movement across the country to convert privately owned energy utilities into public management and ownership, and to bring greater transparency and accountability to municipal utilities and rural energy cooperatives. The need to transition to renewables is too urgent to let corporate shareholders and fossil fuel lobbyists call… Read More

May 1st “Cancel The Rent” Caravan

Location: 4655 Border Village Rd, San Ysidro, CA 92173-3105, United States Start Date & Time:  May 1, 2020,  9:30am End Date & Time:  May 1, 2020, 2pm DSA San Diego, in coalition with ACCE, The San Diego Tenants Union, Anakbayan, & Migrante. Will be executing a caravan demonstration in order to bring awareness to the rent strike movement happening all throughout the state of California. The Rent Strike is being… Read More

Housing is Healthcare: San Diego Emergency Demands

Emailed 4/16 to Governor Gavin Newsom, Mayor Kevin Faulconer, City Attorney Mara Elliott, Councilmember Barbara Bry, Councilmember Jennifer Campbell, Councilmember Christopher Ward, Councilmember Monica Montgomery, Councilmember Mark Kersey, Councilmember Chris Cate, Councilmember Scott Sherman, Councilmember Vivian Moreno, Council President Georgette Gomez, Supervisor Greg Cox, Supervisor Dianne Jacob, Supervisor Kristin Gaspar, Supervisor Nathan Fletcher, Supervisor Jim Desmond Endorsing organizations: Democratic Socialists of America - San DiegoOtay Mesa Detention ResistanceSan Diego 350San… Read More

Mutual Aid in San Diego: Why Here, Why Now?

What is Mutual Aid? Mutual aid is an organizational strategy with the goal of building the strength and resilience of a given community through the reciprocal exchange of goods and/or services. The core value that undergirds mutual aid projects is one of reciprocity, as opposed to charity, where aid typically flows only in one direction.  The practice of mutual aid has existed since hunter-gatherer societies, where individuals within a collective… Read More

San Diego COVID-19 Mutual Aid and Preparedness Resources

As we face an unprecedented pandemic in our communities, it’s vital that we empower ourselves with information and resources to be able to provide support and solidarity to our comrades and communities. As socialists, we recognize that our power comes from our ability to stand together and support one another in times of uncertainty.  Below you’ll find resources and mutual aid projects that have sprung up to provide support during… Read More

Moving to online meetings in light of COVID-19

Good evening comrades, DSA National has issued the following statement that includes guidance for local chapters: Now is the Time for Solidarity: DSA National Statement on COVID-2019. Local officials have also asked that large gatherings be canceled, postponed, or moved online. Sunday’s General Assembly Meeting Tonight, your Steering Committee voted to conduct two online meetings on Sunday in place of the New Member Orientation and General Assembly Meeting, starting at… Read More

DSA San Diego Calls for a Publicly Owned Gas and Electric Utility in San Diego

This week, DSA San Diego submitted the below letter to the City of San Diego in response to their Request for Expressions of Interest in the city's Franchise for Electric and Gas Services, calling for a publicly owned utility for gas and electric services in San Diego. This letter was submitted as a part of DSA San Diego's campaign for energy democracy in San Diego County. Re: Request for Expressions… Read More

March 3rd, 2020 Primary Voter Guide

Democratic Socialists of America San Diego's Electoral Working Group has published the following voter guide for the March 3rd, 2020 California primary elections. You can download a printer-friendly version here. These are pragmatic voting recommendations, NOT endorsements.Candidates endorsed by the chapter are presented in RED BOLD TYPEImportant races are presented in Bold Type.A * indicates that DSA-SD has not made a recommendation in the race.Not authorized by any candidate or… Read More

Statement in Solidarity with the Protests in India

The San Diego chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America condemns the discriminatory and fascist turn of the Indian government, led by Prime Minister Narendra Modi. We stand in solidarity with the Muslim community in India, and the working and oppressed people struggling against this fascist regime. The Hindu nationalist BJP government plans to implement a National Registry of Citizens (NRC) in the country and has prepared for that with… Read More

Urgent Call For Action Against A U.S. War On Iran

Our chapter voted to endorse national DSA's statement on Iran: Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) emphatically opposes a U.S. war with Iran. In light of the U.S.’s act of war against Iran, putting the two nations close to the brink of war, DSA calls on all members and chapters to mobilize against yet another U.S. war in the Middle East. On January 2, 2020, the U.S. military assassinated, on Iraqi… Read More