DSA San Diego Passes Anti-Zionist Resolution

The word "Zionism" in a dripping font with a red "no" sign overtop.

We are pleased to announce that, at our chapter-wide General Assembly in April, members of our chapter overwhelmingly voted in support of a resolution that reinforces DSA San Diego as an anti-Zionist organization both in principle and in practice. The adopted resolution explicitly defines anti-Zionist expectations for both our membership and endorsed candidates. As a result of this resolution, we expect our members to commit to anti-Zionist practices and policies,… Read More

We can do better than SDG&E

SDG&E: $10.8 million total CEO compensation in 2020; $936 million PROFITS in 2023

DSA San Diego has endorsed Power San Diego, a ballot measure to move the City of San Diego to its own municipal electric utility. https://youtu.be/Rzd3CNcapXk The measure is currently gathering signatures to qualify for the November 2024 ballot. DSA members are helping gather signatures, including at some of the events you can find on the Power San Diego Events Calendar. The signature gathering has a deadline of May 7th, so sign… Read More

2024 Primary Election Voter Guide

DSA San Diego's 2024 Primary Election Voter Guide

Once again, we find ourselves in an election season, and once again, our Electoral Working Group has sprung into action to weigh in.  We’re tasked collectively to grapple with the political realities of San Diego. We’ve seen a slow shift from a primarily Republican-run city to a primarily centrist Democrat-run city. Many of the races are handpicked (or uncontested) by a Democratic establishment that favors a status quo that has… Read More

In Memoriam: Herbert Shore, 1939-2024

Herbert Shore, November 18, 1939 – February 12, 2024

DSA San Diego sadly shares the news of the passing of Herbert Shore, one of the co-founders of our chapter and a former member of DSA’s National Political Committee. Herb was 83 and is survived by his wife, Virginia Franco. Members and friends are invited to participate in a memorial event celebrating Herb’s inspiring life on March 23, from 1 - 3 pm in Old Town.  Barra Barra (map) Serrano… Read More

Stop the evictions and discrimination against New Roots farmers in City Heights

New Roots farmers at risk of eviction

New Roots farmers are fighting illegal evictions by the City Heights Community Development Corporation (CH-CDC), a local nonprofit. New Roots was established in 2008 by International Rescue Committee as a farm for the immigrant and refugee population in San Diego. This farm was run well until 2018 when it was transferred to CH-CDC. Since then rents and water bills have skyrocketed, while service from CH-CDC has been non-responsive. A group… Read More

Drop the Charges, UCSD!

UCSD Free Speech Rally July 10, 2023

This weekend, three academic workers and UAW 2865 members at the University of California San Diego were arrested in retaliation for union activity. The University has continued to repress union members, notably bringing code of conduct violations against 67 workers last month, as it refuses to adhere to the contract these workers won in a strike last year. Click here to sign the UAW petition to the University of California.… Read More

Standing in Solidarity with UPS Teamsters

Every Friday morning for four months, rank-and-file UPS Teamsters have been meeting. They talk about their struggles and why their demands are necessary. Their struggle is ours. We as workers must stand with them in their fight for a better wages, better conditions, and a better life. If their demands aren't met, they're ready to strike on August 1, and ALL workers will stand with them. This is what democracy… Read More

DSA San Diego launches plot to feed the community

DSA San Diego Garden Workday - May 13, 2023

DSA San Diego members gathered alongside members of the community at the College Area Community Garden on Saturday, May 13, to plant nearly 200 square feet of vegetables for a new cooperative growing program. The group planted peppers, tomatoes, eggplants, and more for the autumn harvest. Produce from this planting will be donated to those in need. As a socialist organization, one of DSA’s tenets is rooted in the belief… Read More

2022 General Election Voter Guide

Introduction During this year’s primary, DSA San Diego received numerous requests for a voter guide. As a result, the recently rechartered Electoral Working Group has come together to offer our impressions of these midterm elections. The recommendations listed below are the result of weeks of research and discussion, and we hope that in total they can serve as a guide to the ongoing political dynamics of California and the San… Read More

DSA San Diego Calls on San Diego City Council to Reject Amendments to the Surveillance Ordinance

As a member of the Transparent and Responsible Use of Surveillance Technology (TRUST) Coalition, DSA San Diego members have worked to pass a series of reform ordinances through the San Diego City Council.  After 2 years of diligent work involving community input and legal review, the City Council was cowed by the Police Officers Association to insert amendments which severely weaken this ordinance.  These amendments allow blanket-exemptions in oversight for… Read More