The 2020 election is nearly over. We don’t yet know what the outcome will be in terms of which candidates will win or lose. Nor do we know if Donald Trump will accept a likely defeat or if there will be political violence if he loses. We do know that the election is supposed to mark a conclusion. An unalterable decision has been made which the American people must accept… Read More
Category: News
March for All Black and Brown Lives, November 4th

On Wednesday, November 4th DSA San Diego is mobilizing its membership to participate in A March for All Black and Brown Lives! While there's still uncertainty regarding what will happen during and after the November 3rd election, we're expecting a large crowd and lots of energy, so let's show up strong as a chapter to meet the moment! Wear your DSA t-shirt and your mask and meet up at San… Read More
Housing Justice Working Group Digest (OCT 2020)
The purpose of this digest is to bring all of our comrades up to speed on the work here in Housing Justice, especially those who have been away for a while, or those who wish to get involved! If you wish to get involved, drop a message in our Slack channel #wg-met-housing-justice or message our current Housing Justice Working Group chairs. You can attend our weekly tenant organizing check-ins at… Read More
Online Karaoke Fundraiser for Sarah Davis

We can’t meet in person, but we can still have fun! Join your DSA comrades at an online karaoke fundraiser for progressive Assembly candidate Sarah Davis! It's happening Monday October 12th at 6:00 pm. Sign up here.
November 3rd, 2020 General Election Voter Guide
Democratic Socialists of America San Diego’s Electoral Working Group has published the following voter guide for the November 3rd, 2020 general election. Candidates endorsed by the chapter are presented in RED BOLD TYPEThe rest are pragmatic voting recommendations, NOT endorsements.Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee FEDERAL US President: We don’t have a recommendation for President, but Howie Hawkins and Gloria La Riva will be on the ballot. US… Read More
Call for public comment in opposition to anti-Prop 15 resolution
All hands on deck for a Prop. 15 call for comments! On Tuesday, Sept. 15th, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors (BOS) will be considering a resolution in opposition to Prop 15. This will be a tough vote but we want to make sure supervisors understand what’s at stake: protecting a corporate tax loophole that benefits a handful of wealthy corporations at the expense of our schools and communities, or investing… Read More
Special Meeting on Candidate Endorsement
On August 29th at 6:00 pm DSA San Diego will hold a special meeting on giving a Chapter endorsement to two of our members who are running for local offices in North County: Matt Corrales is running for the Vallecitos Water Board, and Terry Corrales is running for the Palomar Health Board. Show your support for socialists on the ballot by coming to the meeting! The meeting will be held… Read More
Medicare for All Resolution Campaign Kick Off
On the one hand, millions of Americans have recently lost their employer-sponsored health insurance. On the other hand, we can't expect a Biden administration to take up Medicare for All. Now is a time to focus on building grassroots support. That's why DSA San Diego is inviting progressive groups from across San Diego to come together and push the San Diego City Council to pass a resolution in favor of… Read More
Tenant’s Town Hall – August 19th @ 6 PM

Come join the “Cancel The Rent” Coalition as we put on a Tenants Town Hall in order to educate, mobilize, & inspire the working class in San Diego against the inhumane actions of many landlords & apathetic politicians!!! We will have information on the current eviction moratoriums & your rights as a tenant. We will also have guest speakers and testimonials on the current struggle many tenants are facing in… Read More
Mutual Aid Is Only The Beginning
By the San Diego Libertarian Socialist Caucus’ Mutual Aid Committee As socialist organizers, we know that building collective power is relationship building, and mutual aid is a critical component of doing so. At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shelter-in-place orders, the Libertarian Socialist Caucus recognized an immediate need, as well as an opportunity to build camaraderie, and thus began our Grocery Shopping project. What has blossomed forth… Read More